I decided to make an Apricot Cobbler with some apricots I bought. I was thrilled that I found a recipe that specifically called for apricots, but let's face it - I wanted cobbler and had this fruit, and would have made a cobbler of it one way or another.
This was a very easy recipe to assemble. You cut up the apricots, mix them with sugar, flour, lemon juice and almond extract in the pie dish, and let them rest for 30 minutes.
While the fruit rests (to get juicy), you can go ahead and make the cobbler. Cobbler is basically a sweet biscuit topping for fruit, and so if you've ever made biscuits from scratch, you can make a cobbler. If you haven't, it's still easy to make! You mix together flour, baking soda and powder, salt, and sugar, and cut in cold butter or margarine (preferably with a pastry cutter (affiliate link), but you can also criss-cross two knives to cut the butter apart). Just wait to mix in the buttermilk (or sour milk) until right before you bake the cobbler, since the acid in the buttermilk is what activates the baking soda.
Preheat the oven to 400F. When the oven is hot, mix the buttermilk into the flour mixture and drop batter onto the fruit in spoonfuls. Sprinkle with sugar and bake for 30 minutes, until golden. Cool slightly but serve warm.
I really enjoyed this. It was a little tart, but not too much so for my tastes. This would be balanced out if you had ice cream with it. The almond extract added a nice complimentary flavor. The cobbler was soft and cakey. I think there was a nice balance between fruit and cobbler - not too much of either. This recipe also didn't make too much - just 4 servings. Overall, this was very satisfying, a nice alternative to a standard peach cobbler.
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